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Student Learning Outcomes

QAS educates students to become:

Effective communicators who...

  • express ideas, emotions, and personal experiences clearly and creatively through the written and spoken word and through the arts.
  • listen critically with understanding and empathy.

Literate individuals who...

  • integrate learning and apply it to authentic situations.
  • read fluently with comprehension for a variety of purposes.
  • develop a strong foundation in all academic disciplines.
  • access, analyze, evaluate and present information using diverse resources.

Critical thinkers and problem solvers who...

  • Apply creativity and persistence, and develop awareness of their own thinking, in defining problems and developing strategies to solve them.
  • Demonstrate flexibility in thinking.
  • Seek personal excellence in intellectual, artistic, practical and physical endeavors.
  • Independently pursue learning.
  • Set, achieve and reflect on personal and collective goals.
  • Make healthy choices.

Constructive community members who…

  • Have a clear sense of self and exhibit honesty and integrity.
  • Work collaboratively and effectively with others.
  • Show respect for the rights and tolerance of the values of others.
  • Develop an awareness and understanding of the host culture and other cultures.
  • Understand environmental issues and work to preserve the environment.
  • Contribute their time, energies and talents to improve the quality of life in our families, schools, communities, nation and world.
  • Prepare themselves for citizenship in a democratic society.